Yorkdale Chiropractor Welcomes Dr. Patrick Porter to Yorkdale Wellness

Please join us this WEDNESDAY, JUNE 25 @7-8:30pm (Q & A to follow) at Yorkdale Wellness Clinic (see attached flyer) for a workshop that will show you how to…


Discover The Six Secrets That Will Awaken Your Genius!


Workshops based on the award-winning bestseller: 

Awaken the Genius,

Mind Technology for the 21st Century

by Patrick K. Porter, Ph.D.


Dr. Patrick Porter

Welcome to the world of the awakened genius!  The “Secrets of Genius” workshops are a hands-on adventure into the realm of genius.  You not only learn about whole-brain thinking, but are taught in a whole-brain format!  As an experiential workshop, Secrets of Genius involves learning through seeing, hearing, doing and integrating.  Using the cutting-edge technology outlined in the book Awaken the Genius, Mind Technology for the 21st Century, which was voted the best “how-to” book of 1994 by the North American Bookdealers Exchange, the program offers a powerful synthesis of Psycho-Linguistics (the language of the mind), Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), guided imagery and experientials.  The power in this dynamic seminar resides in integration.  Self-discovery exercises and guided imageries awaken the imagination, and inspire the other-than-conscious mind.


MASTER the Secrets of Genius!

Have you ever wondered about your life’s purpose?  Did you ever feel there was a more creative, inventive and intuitive you somewhere deep inside? Scientists and psychologists agree, most people are using less than 10% of their brain’s full potential.  Well here is your opportunity to uncover the talents and skills that have been lying dormant within you and to unleash that genius that is your birthright.

You can take a whole-brain journey into your inner genius with Dr. Patrick Porter, author of the award-winning book,Awaken the Genius.  Become an activator of the new paradigm that is now readily apparent around the world–it is where geniuses abound and peace and the pursuit of collective happiness is the founding principle.  You will learn:


*      The stuff “genius” is made of — and how to get it.

*      The secrets of time — and how to use it.

*      The power of the other-than-conscious mind — and how to activate it.

*      The nature of learning preferences – and how it applies to you.

*      About the brain – and how to balance its power.


There are still limited seats available, please RSVP to this DrJoyArciaga@gmail.com to reserve your spot. Bring your friends & family too. All attendees will get a chance to come in to our clinic a complimentary Neurological Assessment and MindFit Session


We hope to see you all there!

Dr. Joy

Yonge and St. Clair Chiropractor on STRESS: The Nation’s #1 Killer. Part 2

Hello there people,

Why Zebras Don’t Get Ulcers by Robert Sapolsky

So last week we talked about stress and how long term and chronic stress can play a huge and viscous role in disease. Don’t take my word for it though. Robert Sapolsky is a Stanford University Biologist who has been conducting research on stress for decades. His work has shown, without a doubt, how stress has such a profound negative impact on our health.

Some of his findings include:

  • How we rank in our work hierarchy impacts how many sick days we take.
  • Stress affects our weight and how our fat is stored.
  • High levels of stress effect our memory and ability to learn.
  • Stress changes our biochemistry and changes our moods.
  • How stress can ALTER OUR DNA (scary!!!)

Take a look at this short clip from the Documentary “Stress: Portrait of a Killer”

If that peaked your interest watch the whole documentary. Super interesting look about our society’s outlook at stress and the overlooked impact it has on our health. Well worth an hour of your time. You won’t regret it.

I’ll leave you with this, in our society, we ADMIRE the person who can handle the most stress. We admire the worker who puts in 60 hours a week at the office and is able to multi task a large amount of different tasks. We find the student who juggles a full time class schedule, with a part time job, and family responsibilities to be hard working and determined. I won’t argue there. I’ve been there myself.

What people (myself included) don’t realize at the time is that this high level of function comes at a price. In a world where we are under constant tension, there is a breaking point.

Take the steps today to ensure you live a truly healthy lifestyle,


Chiropractic is a great way to take stress off your system. Book an Appointment today.

www.vitahealthclinic.com      www.facebook.com/DrJoyArciaga